We made it!!! Thanks a million for everyone's support! If you would still like to join us in support of young adults with cancer and First Descents, please visit my page to make a donation. http://teamfd.firstdescents.org/2010/fd/hughes/

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A message from Ellen

A Day in the Journey...

Four years ago, two girls walk into a bike shop, mention they are going to ride from Pittsburgh, PA to Washington D.C., and oh yeah, they need bikes too. M&E express maiden voyage.

Today one of those girls is turning that ambition up a couple notches. I'm talking about a solo supported bike ride across the United States. Some may say she's crazy, some would say she's an inspiration. I'd say she's amazing!

I've known Mary for four years, and in those four years, she has brought out some of the best qualities in me. Mary is the friend that everyone wants to have. She has the capability of helping you find and live your passion. As a physical therapist, Mary also strives to bring out the best in her patients through her creativity combined with a smile or a joke.

Is it any surprise that this cross country trek isn't only about Mary? (There's something about Mary...) NO! This journey is also about young adults living with or survivors of cancer. Those that have followed Mary know that with each pedal stroke she is fighting for people in our age bracket to have the opportunity to set their worries aside and conquer fears of extreme outdoor sports thanks to First Descents.

This past weekend right outside Niagara Falls, the M&E express was in full force once again. I joined Mary for a weekend of great weather, great conversation and great riding. Century ride day/night one well into the cold night along the Erie Canal (thanks Mama Hughes for choosing a B&B for a warm evening!) P.S. I believe that may have been the first successful century ride for the M&E express. Day 2 included a beautiful day along Lake Ontario camping at the shore in Fair Haven, NY. Onward to Day 3...ending in Fulton, NY. Here my parents met us at the end of my journey with Mary. First impressions are everything, Mary I'm glad you wore spandex :)

I leave this weekend with great memories, as Team Hughes continues on to conquer the end of the trail...less than 600 miles to go!

You have my endless support!

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