I would love to paint the picture that this whole journey is sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. But at the end of today, I am super frustrated. I haven't had a good riding day in the past 4 days and it is getting a bit old. A million things have happened. We were in a hotel 4 nights ago, so I was on the computer all morning. I didn't get on my bike until after 11am, then almost immediately crossed the ID/MT border and crossed into the mountain time zone. Poof! Another hour gone. With the late start, I only rode (forward) for 50 miles including a long stop for huckelberry pie and ice cream and a backtrack (through construction) because I lost my maps. Three days ago, I started late once again due to mechanical issues. I was riding like a rockstar for the first 50 miles and then started cramping. No good! Well, I will call it cramping, but is was a weird cramping and stabbing pain in my right side moving across my back and stomach then up my right chest and neck. So weird! Anyways, after advancing only 5 miles in the course of an hour between stops for stretching and walking and curling up into the fetal position, I called it a day. Yesterday, I had another good riding day along the beautiful Koocanusa Lake but stopped early to set up camp and clean up for church. Today was the pinnacle of frustration. I hit the road at a decent hour heading in the direction of Whitefish, MT. Whitefish was about 50 miles from my departure site and after the disgraceful daily average over the past three days, I was hoping to make it further than 50 miles. But low and behold, I didn't even make it to Whitefish. OMG! Approaching Whitefish from the West, I was traveling on highway 93, which has less than optimal road conditions (no shoulders, broken concrete, chia cracks, and moderate to heavy traffic). Though I vowed that I would not complain about road conditions (with the good comes the bad), I will say that I have traveled on gravel roads more conducive to road bikes than Highway 93. Anyways, riding on poor road conditions on a busy highway, dripping in rain, eating the road spray from RVs, shuttering from a few close calls with cars, and politely reminding those cars that they are idiots...it was time to call it a day. Safety first! But I only rode 33 miles today...ahhh!
After one more failure of a day, I am a bit frustrated. One or two of these days wouldn't even phase me. But I have only covered 195 miles in 4 days. Really?!? That is an average of less than 50 miles per day. I was doing better than this in the mountains! What is my deal? Is it mental? Is it physical? Are my expectations too high? Yes, yes, and no. I know I am not focused like I know I can be and need to be to get more mileage out of every ride. I am definitely exhausted. I am starting to feel lethargic between 40 and 50 miles, which is way too early. And I am crazy emotional about nothing, another sign of exhaustion or crazy hormones. My bet is on exhaustion!
Something needs to change STAT! I still have a long way to go, so I am trying to keep a level head and not FREAK OUT! It's a bit early for a major change in the game plan, I still have months ahead of me. MONTHS!!!
After a nap, a hearty dinner, a good nights sleep, and one helluva GAME ON pep talk, tomorrow WILL be a better day...or something may need to change. I honestly haven't even looked at a map to know where I am or what is in store for tomorrow...but it WILL be a better day. At this point, I will be content with a 70-miler. Wait! Am I entering the Northern Rockies tomorrow? Well, too late, a 70-miler it is. GAME ON!
Welcome to Montana!
Kootenai Falls

Koochanusa Lake..Montana is one beautiful place (pictures don't do justice)
Sign at the laundromat...Really Montana?!?
Ever feel like you are in the movie Groundhog day? My struggles and goals are nothing like yours, except that we are both very ambitious. When I get down about my progress or look for the light at the end of the tunnel it is all so overwhelming enough to make me want to sit down and cry. Just look at where you have come from instead of where you are going and pedal one foot in front of the other and enjoy Montana!